HowTo setup a spice live migration test setup

This document describes how to setup a realistic environment for doing live migration of qemu virtualmachines (vm's) which are using the qxl (spice) vga device and have a spice client connected.

The described setup does this all without using RHEV-VM, this is mostly meant for people doing spice development who want to test live migration without using RHEV-VM.

Needed hardware

For a realistic setup you will need at least 4 machines:

  1. Hypervisor A, this machine will be running vm's
  2. Hypervisor B, this machine will be running vm's
  3. Storage server, for live migration storage shared between the hypervisors is needed in a realistic environment this will live on a separate machine or a SAN
  4. A client

These machines need to be connected to each other using a network with good performance at a minimum a 100Mbit switched network, if you want to go fancy you can create a separate storage LAN and normal network LAN.

The 2 hypervisors need to be 64 bit machines with hardware virtualisation capable cpu's. Preferably they both should have AMD or both Intel cpu's. If one of them has an AMD cpu and one an Intel cpu you can only use recent qemu-kvm versions.

Installing the machines

  1. The hypervisors, you may want to make the hypervisors multiboot between for example EL-5 x86_64 and EL-6 x86_64, so that you can test live migration with EL-5 hypervisors with a EL-6 spice client connected or visa versa. Note that live migration between different version hypervisors is not supported for all possible combinations. Once you've the base os's installed you can either install the spice client, server and qemu version from packages or build them from source (see the building spice howto).
  2. The storage server. The storage server can serve vm disk images either over nfs or export them as iscsi disks. Since iscsi disks perform better, this documents describes how to do things using iscsi. For the storage server you can install any linux as base os you like. Before installing the base os you need to think about where the images will be stored, will they be normal files, or are you going to make them disk partitions or lvm logical volumes? Files are the most flexible, performance-wise disk partitions or logical volumes are better. Logical volumes also allow a decent amount of flexibility, so those are advised. Once the base os is installed, it is time to configure the machine to serve a number of iscsi targets. First install scsi-target-utils, for example: yum install scsi-target-utils If you've chosen to use files you need to create empty images files using for example dd: dd if=/dev/zero of=image.img bs=1024 count=20000000 Now edit /etc/tgt/targets.conf and define as many targets there as you want to have vm disk images. The file includes examples of howto define a target. Once the targets are defined restart the tgtd service, for example on Fedora / EL: service tgtd restart
  3. The client, you likely want to make the client machine multiboot. So that you can test with both the linux and Windows client and that you can test different client versions.

Prepping the hypervisors

Besides installing spice server and qemu noth hypervisors require some more special preperations. They need to connect to the iscsi targets on the storage server and there network settings need to be configured so that qemu can run in bridged mode, which is necessary to keep the vm's network connection working after migrating it to a different machine.

  1. Preparing the network configuration to allow vm's to connect in bridged mode. On Fedora / EL this can be done by modifying the relevant /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth# to look like this: DEVICE=eth# TYPE=Ethernet HWADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ONBOOT=yes NM_CONTROLLED=no USERCTL=no BRIDGE=br0 And then create a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0 file like this: DEVICE=br0 TYPE=Bridge ONBOOT=yes NM_CONTROLLED=no USERCTL=no DELAY=0 BOOTPROTO=none IPADDR= PREFIX=24 GATEWAY= DNS1= IPV6INIT=no Adjusting the IP settings to the settings the relevant eth# used to have. Then restart the network boot service: service network restart On Fedora you also need to enable the network servce to run on reboot, using for example "ntsysv". Last you will need to create a /etc/qemu-ifup script, with the following contents: #!/bin/sh echo "Executing /etc/qemu-ifup" echo "Bringing up $1 for bridged mode..." ifconfig $1 promisc up echo "Adding $1 to br0..." brctl addif br0 $1 sleep 2 Don't forget the chmod +x it!
  2. Make the iscsi export disk images available as iscsi disks on *both* the hypervisors. Connecting to an iscsi disk consists of 2 steps:
    1. Discover available images, to discover available images do: iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p Where is the ip address (or the hostname) of the storage server. This gives for example the following output:,1 iqn.localdomain.shalem:iscsi1,1 iqn.localdomain.shalem:iscsi2
    2. Login to specific images, for example: iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.localdomain.shalem:iscsi1 -l Note that atleast on Fedora / EL you need to do this only once, if the iscsi boot service is enabled (the default) the system will automatically re-connect to these iscsi "disks" on reboot.

Starting a vm

Now it is time to start a vm with qxl vga. The basic form is like this:
sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2048 -smp 2 -name foobar -drive file=/dev/disk/by-path/ip-,media=disk -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:7a:b4:7c,vlan=0 -net tap,vlan=0 -vga qxl -spice port=5930,disable-ticketing -monitor stdio
You should change the -name, file=, macaddr= and port= parameters for each additional vm you want to start. Note the /dev/disk/by-path/ method of pointing at the iscsi target which holds the vm's disk image. The drive must be specified this way so that the filename will work on both hypervisors, this is a must for migration to work.
When you first start the machine you will likely want to add an optionfor it to find installation media, usally using the -cdrom parameter, see man qemu.
If your virtual machine is going to run windows xp, you likely want to add ",model=rtl8139" to the -net nic,... parameter as the default is to emulate an e1000 and xp does not have a driver for that.
If your virtual machine is going to run a recent linux, you may want to ",model=virtio" to both the -drive file=... and the -net nic,... parameters. With older qemu's you also need to add ,boot=on to the -drive paramter to boot from a virtio disk.

Connecting the client

Connecting to the vm using the linux client is simple:
spicec -h -p 5930
Where the -h parameter is the ip address or hostname for the hypervisor and -p is the port you specified for spice when starting the vm.
Note that with older spice versions spicec is installed under /usr/libexec and thus needs to be started as:
/usr/libexec/spicec -h -p 5930

Migrating the vm to the other hypervisor

To migrate the vm to the other hypervisor, you first need to start a vm on the other hypervisor ready to receive the vm state info from the running vm. Use the exact same qemu cmdline as you used to start the original (source) vm and add "-incoming tcp:0:4444" at the end of the cmdline.
Then on the monitor if the source vm (the terminal / console from which the source vm was started), type the following commands:
migrate_set_speed 5m
Limit the speed with which the migration data will be send from one hypervisor to the other, otherwise they take all bandwidth and the user experience in the client suffers.
client_migrate_info spice 5930
(this used to be spice_migrate_info 5930 on older QEMUs)
Tell qemu to tell the spice client to get ready to stop talking to the current vm ( and to connect to the new vm ( as soon as the migration is done.
migrate -d tcp:
And start the actual migration, when this command exits the migration is finished and the source vm can be quit.